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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Husband vs. Wife

Wife to the Husband, “Do you remember, it’s our 25th wedding day tomorrow.”
Husband, “Yes I do. So what do you expect from me tomorrow?”
Wife, “Nothing much, I want to make 25 delicious chicken dishes and celebrate with the family.”
Husband, “Isn’t it too much to do for the mistake I made 25 years ago!!!!!!”

Innocent Kid with Innocent Answer

After returning from school to home father asked his 4 years of old son about the first day experience of the school.
Father, “My son, what do you learn today in school?”
The son answered the question very innocently like this:
Son, “Nothing Dad, moreover the madam told me to go to school next day!!!!!!!!!!!”

An Extremely Lazy Man

There was a very lazy man living alone. One day he was fishing in the river and at that time a man was passing by near him. He called the man and tried to get help from the man for fishing.
Lazy Man, “Please help me.”
Man, “Why you are so lazy? I can give you one advice. Get married as soon as possible and there will be your sons to help you.”
Lazy Man, “Do you know any pregnant woman!!!!!!!!!!”  

Professor vs. Naughty Student

A professor is providing important lecture in the classroom. Suddenly he stopped his lecture and turn around with angry face. Professor asked a student,
Professor, “Why you are talking in the classroom?”
Student, “I am sorry Professor, But this not true.”
Professor, “Why not, I clearly saw you talking.”
Student, “Because I can’t talk while I am sleeping!!!!!!!!!!!”

Friday, April 29, 2011

Mom and the Naughty Kid

After returning from school Mother asked her naughty kid,
Mother: Show me your math result card.
Kid: Mom, you will be surprised by my math result. I have got 1 less then hundred.
Mother: Wow, you have got 99!!!!!
Kid: No, its 00!!!!!

Two Friends Misery for Same girl

Two friends John and Frank have meet after long time.
John: How are you Frank?
Frank: Not so good, I have lost Kate, she left me and I am living a miserable life.
John: She made my life miserable too.
Frank: But how it possible?????/
John: Because, She is my wife now!!!!!!!!!

Don't You Like The Heaven

In the class after describing how many benefits and luxuries are there in the Heaven asked the students,
Teacher, “Raise you hands if you want to go to the heaven?”
All the students raised their hands except one student.
Teacher, “Don’t you want heaven?”
Student, “Definitely, but I can’t.”
Teacher asked, why?
Student, “Because my mom told me to go back to home after finishing the school!!!!!!”

Doctor vs. Patient

A patient goes to a doctor to solve his dreaming problem.
Patient: Help me Doctor; I am dreaming a football match in every night.
Doctor: You are dreaming about a football match every night?
Patient: Yes, Doctor
Doctor: For how many days this is going on?
Patient: At least one month
Doctor: But, don’t you wish to see anything in your dream like basketball, tennis, travelling or anything else?
Patient: No, I don’t want to miss the final match!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Can You See in the Dark

A boy to his Mom:
Boy, “Mom, is it possible to see anything in the dark?”
Mom, “Absolutely not, this is impossible.”
Boy, “But Mom, I think my sister can see in the dark.”
Mom, “How come????”
Boy, “I don’t know but last night I heard she was asking her boyfriend whether he shaved or not.”
Mom, “What???????”

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Husband and Wife Jokes

A typical husband loved his wife so much and wanted to give her each possible happiness in the world. One day he asked her wife:
Husband, “Do you love me as much as I do?”
Wife, “Yes darling, I love you so much too.”
Husband, “But surprisingly you never tell me how much you enjoy sex.”
Wife, “Well this is difficult for me to explain to you.”
Husband, “Why???”
Wife, “Because you are at your office while I am enjoying it!!!”

Boss and Cute Office Secretary

The boss of the office called the beautiful office secretary and told her to see him before she leaves the office. At the end of the day she went to the boss room and came out with an angry face.
One of her colleague saw her and asked, “What happen, you are looking so angry?”
The Girl, “Boss asked me whether I am free tonight or not.”
Colleague, “That’s a good news, but why are you angry?”
The Girl, “You are wrong, but that rude man gave me a job to type more than 100 pages tonight.”

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Jokes-Musician and The Girl

One day a musician was passing by a jungle and he found a girl was crying. He asked the girl the cause of her crying.
Girl, “I am so ugly, no one likes me.”  
Musician, “I can fulfill your 3 wishes, tell me your wishes.”
Girl, “I want to be the most beautiful girl in the world and I need lots of money and wealth.”
Musician then immediately made her most beautiful and rich girl in the world. After then he asked the girl about her final wish. The girl cleverly wanted to marry the musician. Without any question the musician fulfilled the third wishes too. After the marriage
Girl, “Lets go to bed darling, I want sex.”
Musician, “Sorry, I can’t do it.”
Girls, “Why???????”
Musician, “This is your fourth wish and I can fulfill only your 1 wish in every year!!!”
The girl fainted immediately.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Real Misunderstanding

A middle age man went to a doctor with sexual problem. The doctor told the man to bring the sperm next day and gave him a jar. Next day he came with an empty jar. The doctor surprised and asked why the jar is empty.
The man said “Sorry, I tried a lot with my hand but I couldn’t do it”
Doctor, “Why didn’t you take help from your wife?”
The man replied “I tried with not only my wife but also the wife of my neighbor!”
“What!!!” Doctor Surprised.
The man replied, “Yes doctor, the cap of the jar is too tight to open!!!!!!!!!!!”

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tips to Use Humor on a Date

You can make a memorable date with your good sense of humor. But at first you have to understand the taste of your partner. What is funny to you may not be funny to her/him. If you are on your first date try to understand her/him before using the humor. Women like the person who can make her laugh. But never try to be funny by faking or pushing it to hard. If it is natural then use it. But if you are faking, it can destroy your first date.Read More

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tips to Forward Funny Email

These days’ people are very busy with their daily routine and it is really tough to stay in touch with the friends. One simple way to keep in touch with your friends and colleagues are sending them funny jokes or pictures through email. You can find a huge collection of jokes on the internet. But be careful when forwarding an email to your friends. Never forward an email originated by unknown person. Because it may contains harmful things like viruses, tracking codes or malware.Read More

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Funny Thinking of Modern Teacher

Advise of a modern teacher to the students:

  1. Love your bed as like as a holly place.
  2. Love the book as holly book and stay away from this.
  3. Get relax in the day so that you can properly sleep at night.
  4. Stay away from home work for today because there is always a tomorrow.
  5. Study is good for mind and health. So if you are healthy stay away from study
  6.  If you’re feeling like studying, take a deep breath  and lay down until this feeling goes off.  

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

T-Shirts with Funny Sayings

Now a day’s t shirts with funny sayings are so popular all over the world. Many people are earning a handful amount of money with creative t shirt design containing funny saying. You can also earn with your creative idea of funny saying. Many people are wearing these kinds of t shirt only to attract the women while others only trying to have fun.Read More

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Idele Victim for Pranks Video

To make a funny prank video you have to choose the victim wisely. This is more physical and very much practical therefore to be successful it requires high level attention and preparation. The main target of prank video is to give the victim the feeling of indignation or embarrassment. Main difference of this joke is that victim eventually aware of the joke. For example April fool (1st day of the Month April).Read More

Funny picture between public and police

funny picture

Friday, April 1, 2011

How to Get Funny Comics

Comic is a great source of fun. Now a day’s comic is very popular and available in the store and online as well. You can find comics in different genre like animated or in the form of superheroes etc. But whatever the genre is definitely it generates laughter. If you have the power of creativity then you can also make your own comics.Read More